Mobile Production
M1 is a 12G HDR production vehicle with an intensive focus on IP workflows and distribution over the public internet.
M1 at a Glance
-Ross Carbonite Ultra 3m/e 12G Switcher
-Ross Ultrix Routing
-Ross Xpression Graphics
-Yamaha CL3 Audio Console
-10 4k ISO recorders
-100TB onboard NAS
-Sony 4500 Replay Machine(With Slow Motion)
-Panasonic UC4000 12G HDR Studio Cameras
-Panasonic UE150 12G PTZ
-AWS Elemental Live Contribution Encoders
-Haivision X4 SRT Encoders
-LiveU 800
Seating for 8
30x8.5 Feet
12,420 LBS2 Legs of 100 Amps Power Service