Master Control

Master Control at a Glance

  • Playout systems compatible with popular traffic management software, staffed 24/7 with NOC technicians.

  • Syndicate can ingest video from a client with original language audio and provide both translation/dubbing, as well as transcription/captioning. Meet federal requirements for accessibility in broadcast and distribution on cable platforms.

    Translators can be on-site and provided by client, or can be contracted by Syndicate and be remote all over the world. We have supported projects with live translation to over 20 languages.

  • Downlinking of video streams from various satellite providers and applying effects, adding separate IP destinations, or ingesting for delayed/timed playout by Linear Channel MCR. 

    From on-site transmission via multiple redundant paths to end consumers, to live scheduled playout to your OTT platform, the NOC can handle all of your streaming needs.

  • Tier 4 Data Center

    Utilizing our redundant connectivity and master control playout servers the NOC can act as your DR Center.

    If your primary facility experiences a natural disaster or other disruptive event, your standby path will activate delivering content to your distribution network allowing no disruption of service to your viewers.

LiveU, SRT, J2K, LTN, KU Band Satellite

Tier 4 Data Center

24/7 Staff

  • Cultivate Community

    “There’s a sense of community I feel when shooting these workouts, knowing that iFit members are working out at home with me in that exact moment. Being able to communicate in real time with the iFit members creates an even closer relationship than ever before.”

    —John Peel, iFit Trainer

  • Juenesse World Tour

    Pandemic Pivot

    “When the world shut its doors to live events, we knew we would have to reconceive the format of our Jeunesse EXPO 2020 Vision World Tour.”

    — Scott Lewis, Jeunesse Chief Visionary Officer

  • Reach New Heights

    “Historically seen as a once-in-a-lifetime experience accomplished by the few, Mt. Everest has become accessible to many people from their own homes around the world.”
